Криптовалютные майнеры в Сибири вызывают отключение электроэнергии: борьба с незаконной добычейВ мире криптовалют

Криптовалютные майнеры в Сибири вызывают отключение электроэнергии: борьба с незаконной добычей

Криптовалютные майнеры в Сибири вызывают отключение электроэнергии: борьба с незаконной добычей

Crypto Miners in Siberia Cause Power Outages ?

Cold Snap Chaos: Siberia’s recent cold snaps have brought more than just freezing temperatures. The region’s power grid has been struggling, and crypto miners are being pointed at as the culprits.

Damage Done: Rosseti Siberia, the local power provider, reports a $675,000 loss due to increased illegal mining activities. But it’s not just about the money – the surge in mining is also causing more network failures and accidents during outages.

Shutting Down the Farms: In a bid to regain control, Rosseti Siberia has taken action, shutting down 17 illegal mining farms in the past year. These centers were operating in hotspots like Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, and Khakassia.

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Siberia’s Crypto Boom: With its cheap electricity and cool climate, Siberia has become a magnet for major Russian crypto mining operations. But as the industry grows, so do the challenges of keeping the lights on for everyone else.

As Bitcoin continues to make headlines, it seems that even in the remote corners of Siberia, its impact is felt – both in terms of potential profits and unexpected power. outages.

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